About Us

It takes extra work to be modest and fashionable. As an Orthodox Jewish mother living in Manhattan on the Upper West Side, Beth constantly searched online for apparel for herself and her three teenage girls that were both fashionable and modest. Certain fashion brands could be relied on for a dress or two each season. Beth would think "wouldn't it be great to find a brand with more than just one or two modest options"?

At the same time, Beth was searching the internet, Denni was sketching dresses she wished she could find. She shared the designs with her mom and sisters, and they all agreed that these modest dresses were exactly what they were looking for.

One day, it hit Beth and Denni that they should start a business making these beautiful dresses that just happened to be modest. They knew there were lots of women and teens out there looking for modest dresses they could love. They created Eden NYC so that you can find them.